When you get divorced there are a mixture of emotions, as we all know, but there are things that are untold or unknown. To find a moment of peace, there are several things that we either don't want to talk about or just dismiss. Yes, we know that our friends say, "I'm so sorry." Or the usual, "I'm here for you." But how many of them tell you the truth. The truth that your journey to that moment of peace, is your own. Yes, we might see some of the same signs on our journey, and might even feel the same emotions as we experience them. But, it is completely your own. You will do it your way. Your journey is yours. And guess what? It's ok to do it your way. You'll enjoy it more and move at the pace you want to and no one can dictate that but YOU.
With this being said, I want to share my journey. Some of it has made me cry. Some of it has made me angry. Some of it has made me laugh until I cried. And some of it has made me pause and appreciate it. But all of it is mine, and I own it and am proud of what I have learned from it and look forward to where it where lead me.
So enjoy the walk, run, and flight with me. I'll catch you up and then will share it from here on. Why? I think sometimes we all need a good laugh, and many days, my life is laughable.